Rachel Langone » Rachel Langone

Rachel Langone

An RGS alum, Rachel is thrilled to begin her first year as lead third grade educator. Having been a member of the third grade team last year, Rachel finds great joy in the pivotal role third grade plays in transforming a child’s life from early childhood years to a maturity that will inevitably carry with them their entire lives.

With a teaching philosophy deeply rooted in early childhood beliefs, Rachel has an astounding appreciation for the unique role a third grade educator has in facilitating independence and maturity while maintaining a joy and love for learning among students. Rachel aspires to cultivate a classroom full of self-initiated, independent leaners and thinkers whose love of learning constantly challenges both herself, and each of her students to reach their fullest potential.

Rachel is committed to cultivating a classroom filled with a strong sense of community, constant exploration, and deep, meaningful learning experiences. She wholeheartedly invests in caring for each of her students as individuals by supporting them in their journey of learning, helping them discover their potential, and honoring the impact her teaching has on their lives.

A Division-1 collegiate swimmer, Rachel graduated with Highest Honors from New Mexico State University with a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and minor in Counseling and Educational Psychology. Rachel enjoys staying active, cooking, painting, and spending time with her family.