Danielle DeAngelis » Danielle Bio

Danielle Bio

DD was born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. Her childhood was filled with schools, books, imaginary play, and family time. She dreamt of being the third female president and a teacher. DD is so happy to have found a home in early childhood.

In 2017, DD completed her BA/BS in Psychology and communication. After a few years teaching Head Start/GSRP preschool in Michigan, DD had the opportunity to come west to explore the mountains and experience life in a new place. She now shares a home in San Miguel County with her partner and two cats. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, reading, listening to vinyl, gardening, cooking, creating, and playing in many forms. 


In the classroom, DD takes great interest in early literacy, movement through storytelling, process art, and creating playful learning moments throughout all parts of the day. Recently, she completed her Child Development Certificate through Central New Mexico Community College and spent a year teaching in a Reggio Emilia-inspired classroom. DD is thrilled for the opportunity to practice and expand these skills with the teachers and students at RGS.

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Danielle DeAngelis
Early Childhood Floater
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